I know that I sound like a broken record. but I just can't get over the kids growing up. I asked them so stop but they don't mind me at all. Here are a few shots from Ethan's b-day.He was happy with his Hasslebeck jersey. Seahawk hat, and hoodie and a long sleeve seahawk shirt. This boy loves the hawks. He is like his grandpa you can never have too many seahawk hats.
You are going to shot out your eye!!
The birthday was great. Had family and the McGinnis's over for cake and ice cream. He was truly spoiled.
You are going to shot out your eye!!
The birthday was great. Had family and the McGinnis's over for cake and ice cream. He was truly spoiled.
10 things about Big E
1. He loves school
2. Works hard on his scout stuff
3. He can't get enough of football
4. Will try any sport
5. Hates to sweep the kitchen floor
6. He is a good leader
7. Likes to tease me about getting older
8. Hates to disappoint people
9. Loves his family
10. All round good kid
There you have it. My little man ( which is not so little). He is amazing kid.
Wowzers! Tell Ethan we say happy birthday! Like you I can't believe they are getting older so fast. Can you believe my baby will be getting baptized in July. We miss you and how much fun we had when the little ones used to run back and forth from our houses in their diapers & underwear, and slippers. Good Times!!
I have a number 11 - he was the first Great-grand child on the Perry's side! That's saying something. He is a special little man and we love him so much. Keep up the good work Ethan.
Your first kid to hit the double digits! Crazy.
Holy cow! Ethan's ten?!?!
(my favorite gift is the pellet rifle! SO cool!)
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