Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Race in Vegas!

Not sure why I continue to torture myself by running. The first stop for spring break was Vegas. I decided to do the race at the last minute. It was in Henderson at the auto zone. Michael was telling me it has a hill, I disagreed, he was right. It was really windy so that felt like Idaho. We get there sign up and I look down and I forgot to bring my running shoe's. Luckily I had my old shoes, but my feet killed afterwards. Going over the finish line. Oh so happy to get this over with. Michael was so right about the race it was an incline. That sucked. Here in good old Idaho I really don't run hills or inclines with the wind. It pretty much kicked my butt. I took 74 out of 132 runners.


Julia said...

you did it! hooray.

Hardy Family said...

You are so awesome! You ran even when you could have backed out. I started to run again and it is a lot harder that I remembered. My breathing is kicking my bum. I love to read your post. Sorry, I haven't had time to call you since I'm at work all day now and when I get home it's time to cater to the boys or course. I hope you figured it out. I hope to see you this summer. Love you my friend!

Sonya said...

Way to go girly! To answer your question on my blog about running another, yes, I am doing a 6k Salmon Creek at Sunset in August. This time Jody is doing it with me. :)

George and Kelly Midbust said...

Way to go Tera! If this Idaho weather would cooperate we would be running our half by now. Keep in running!

Emily said...

Awesome! Way to go Tera Faye! You rock it!