Sunday, April 4, 2010


Ethan has been busy. This is his first year doing wrestling. He really likes it. I really don't like to watch it. I do not understand one thing about it other then they will raise their hand to say who the winner is. That is it. He did three meets this year. He is trying to talk us in doing free style. Which is another form of wrestling that I don't have a clue about. We would travel more on the weekends to Pocatello and Boise area. It something we are still thinking about.Here is my little scout. He just passed off his Bear. Not sure why I get the mother pin. He's dad and the leaders do all the work. Good thing he has great leaders. Ethan now has been doing scouts for 2 years still don't have a clue how it is run. I just got another mother's pin.
Science fair this is Gooding's first year doing it. Didn't have to do it. But if you know Ethan he wants to do it all. So he got on line with his dad. They decided to do it on Erosion. Here he is testing out his theory at home.
At school he is set up. Two judges came around to each kid. They had to explain there project and had to answer questions. Ethan did an excellent job. He was able to answer every thing they asked him. If I said anything he would have been disqualified from it. That night we went back to the school to see if he got a ribbon. He got first place in the fourth grade. Very impressed by this guy. He will try anything. Wants to do a good job at it. That goes with his grades, sports, scouts. It's sure is fun to watch him grow as a young man.


Julia said...

love, love, love his curly locks. Handsome boy.

Anonymous said...

What a smart boy!!! He is such a good kid, like I have said so many times before, I hope my boys grow up just like him!!
Way to go Ethan on the Science fair-you know you make your "tree hugger" TT proud! Love you!

George and Kelly Midbust said...

Way to go Ethan! Oh and I love the look on your face Tera. You are so funny some times. Your pictures are great, now you'll have to take some for me some time.

Great-Grandma said...

He sure does well at everything! I'm so proud and hope he excels in every area that he wants to try. He looks so intelligent in his glasses, like a school teacher or something. Way to go Ethan!!!!
Love you all!

Stacie said...

WAY TO GO, ETHAN!! I love how full of energy that kid has always been.